I chose this as the name for my blog because life is all about taking whatever lemons you have and making lemonade with them.
There is so much we can’t control, but what we CAN control is our attitudes about our circumstances. We can let life beat us down, and allow our minds to be filled with negativity- and believe me, I know how easy that is.. we live in a world full of negativity! Or, we can choose to focus on the positive, despite our negative circumstances.
Whenever something seems to go wrong and one of my kids is upset about it and they have absolutely no control over it, I ask them, “Tell me what you’re thankful for in this situation”. They’ll think about it, and then give me something positive about it. Even something as trivial as scraping their elbow.. being thankful that it’s just a scrape and it’s not broken.
It’s to realize that no matter how bad the situation seems, it can always be worse. And quite honestly, with all the negativity floating around out there, we have to train our minds to think differently. If your glass is always half empty and you are looking for the bad in every situation, you’re going to be an unhappy person, no matter who you are.
Studies have shown that negative thinking actually weakens our immune systems over time and causes disease to set in.. that’s pretty powerful!
There’s even evidence that negative thinking can be linked to Alzheimer’s!
But if you focus on the positive, and what you’re thankful for, and stay in that mindset, you will be a much happier person.
I am not even remotely close to being perfect, but I am driven to always be moving forward in life. I can’t change the past, but I can analyze it and find things to learn from it, learning more about myself, and using that to propel me forward.
You can’t change the past, so let it stay just that. Don’t look back and wallow in the “What if?” thinking. Look forward, and think “What next?”
Head over to my consulting page for info on my one on one coaching sessions.